Do What's Right Program
The purpose of the Do What's Right Operation (DWRO) is to recognize and reward Pulaski County High School Students for their exemplary behavior, accomplishments, positive behavior, inspirational efforts and good deeds. Further examples could include such as turning in lost property, helping another student, volunteering in the community, standing up to peer pressure, or simply working hard in school through a unique partnership with the Pulaski County Sheriff's Office.
Selection Criteria
Nominations can be submitted by parents, teachers, coaches, deputies, and community leaders.
The DWRP awards program distinguishes exceptional students who choose to:
Be vape free
Drug free
Crime free
Exhibits a positive behavior
Does well in school
Makes a difference in their classroom, club, sports team or communities
Demonstrate a turnaround behavior.
In the school year, starting in January of 2021. Parents, PCHS staff/teachers, law enforcement officers, and other community members can nominate up to (48) children for "Do What's Right Operation" for recognition during that month. Additionally, selection committee reviews the monthly winners and selects (1) finalist for each grade level for the Do What's Right Operation of the year award.
How to Submit
You may submit your nomination by the 25th of each month by 3:00pm in the following ways.
1. Print the nomination form and place in Deputy Wesley’s mailbox.
2. Email Deputy Wesley the nomination form @